Girl Scout Cookies

My brother called last night, selling Girl Scout Cookies. He was actually selling them for six-year-old Abbey, who is just a little shy (at least she is with me).
"May I interest you in some delicious Girl Scout Cookies? Paula (our next oldest sibling) just ordered four boxes."
Not to be outdone, I naturally replied, "Put me down for four, then!"
We chatted a while, and then he had to hang up. The orders were to be handed in at 7:30; he had 45 minutes to go. He was obviously making good use of his time, getting some last-minute orders from his soft-hearted sisters. (Two down, one to go...)
I sat there a minute, then got a strange thought: I wonder if he actually called me first, and is now calling Paula.... 'Karen just ordered four boxes'. I quickly dialed Paula's number and got her voice mail. Hmmm, could be she's on the phone with someone. I left her a message, but was laughing so much I hoped she'd be able to decipher it.
In a few minutes the phone rang. It was Paula, "Hey, Karen, that was pretty funny. But, he did call me first. Now, maybe you or I would've thought of that ploy, but Mark... nah, that would never have crossed his mind." I knew she was right.
This was our little brother; the compliant, easy-going child of our mother's "old age" (41). In his pre-school years he was doted on by three older sisters. Because of lots of good "mothering" (or maybe in spite of it), he grew into a very loving and gentle man. I don't know why I might have thought he would stoop to "deception"....
Unless it's the fact that he's a pretty darn good lawyer.