Ha Ha, Fooled You
Madison was visiting me this morning and started singing, "Ha, ha, fooled you! I'm so mean."
She said she learned it from Mommy and Daddy.
I couldn't wait to hear about this from KB, who laughed and said, "It's not quite right, Madison."
Here's the song (Reiley brought it home from Kindergarten):
"Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Ha, ha, fooled you!
I'm a submarine."
At 11/04/2009 2:07 PM,
andré said…
oh my, that's so cute!
At 11/05/2009 10:52 PM,
The Wright Mommy said…
From the mouthes of babes, eh?! Adorable!!!
At 11/06/2009 7:31 PM,
pb said…
That's classic. And she looks like a big girl these days ... her hair is getting quite long.
At 11/13/2009 8:08 AM,
Whistle Britches said…
At 5/25/2018 9:49 AM,
سبحان الله said…
شركة ركن سيف لخدمات التنظيف المتكاملة شركتنا تقوم بعملية التنظيف على اكمل وجه وكذالك تقوم بالقضاء على اى جراثيم فى المنزل وتعقيم الحمامات كما اننا نتميز باتاحة فرصة تنجيد المراتب وتنظيف نظافة كامل نحن شركة تنظيف بالاحساء الافضل فى المملكة بفضل الله
At 7/19/2020 10:03 AM,
Ahmed zezo said…
شركة تنظيف منازل
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