You Are What You Eat

I think you can tell a lot about a person by what's in (and on) his/her refrigerator. This is another post-your-photo-challenge from Susie. Personally, I think the outside of my fridge is more interesting than the inside.... the light of eternity. "Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." Wilson Mizner
At 1/21/2006 8:45 PM,
Jim said…
Hi Seeker -- I think Susie straightened out her fridge before she took the picture. I've never seen one that organized and neat.
Save some snow for us. We are coming to Center Point, Iowa, next week. That is just north of Cedar Rapids.
I would like to go skiing. I'm not sure my knee or foot would take it, the doc says go for it.
At 1/21/2006 11:16 PM,
Cheryl said…
That is the neatest refrigerator I have ever seen in my life. No kidding. I aspire to have that refrigerator.
At 1/22/2006 6:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can vouch that this photo is not doctored in any way neither has the fridge been cleaned just for the picture! What you have seen is what you get.
I tend to think you can tell more about a person by how long things remain in the fridge.
At 1/22/2006 6:50 AM,
audrey` said…
Yes. I agree with Cheryl :)
This is the neatest fridge in the world. HeHe!
At 1/22/2006 11:27 AM,
Whistle Britches said…
I like your idea for posting the outside of the fridge. challenge us to do that next week sometime.
At 1/22/2006 2:44 PM,
Jenn said…
Even the outside of your fridge is neat.
At 1/22/2006 3:31 PM,
Jim said…
Seeker, a favor, please. I copied your backyard in the snow picture. I would like your permission to use it. If it gets on my blog I will give you credit.
We only have snow like that here every 10 or 20 years. It looks so pretty.
At 1/22/2006 3:49 PM,
Seeker said…
Jim, go right ahead and use the photo. Thanks for asking. My niece and her husband are opening up a new sandwich shop in Cedar Rapids. I'll try to get the details for you; not sure if they're open yet.
About the fridge...
When your fridge is almost bare like ours, it's easy to keep it neat. BTW, all the healthy stuff in there is compliments of my husband. He makes sure we have healthy food on hand. Sometimes I even eat it..... hee hee.
OK, #1son, check out my next post. You've been published.
At 1/23/2006 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, I amended my post, and gave you an award. a very presigious award. an award that is even better than the 2005 People, stinkiest pit award. check it out.
At 1/23/2006 10:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
thats prestigious. my mind gets ahead of my typing
At 1/23/2006 2:16 PM,
Anne said…
Hey, we have that same picture of President Bush on our fridge too - my mom can't stand it.
At 1/23/2006 6:33 PM,
keesh said…
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your kitchen set up looks like mine. is that a laundry room to the left? Our counters are also similar in color, green I think is what yours looks like. Cool! and thanks for the advice, I know you are right, but I can't get my head and heart to match all the time :).
At 1/23/2006 7:07 PM,
Seeker said…
Yes, it's green... but that's the door to the side yard. Our house is a tri-level and the laundry is downstairs. I thought your fridge looked stuffed!
At 1/24/2006 1:04 PM,
andré said…
I wonder what my mom would think if she saw me taking pictures of our fridge...
At 1/30/2006 2:29 PM,
keesh said…
yeah my fridge probably did look stuffed. I need to buy more healthy foods like you have in yours :).
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