The First Hundred the light of eternity. "Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." Wilson Mizner

Thursday, December 29, 2005


This morning I ran to the store to buy some salad fixings to take to my sister's house (for another in a long line of holiday dinners). As I contemplated the vast variety available, and remembering a recent event at my daughter's house, I decided I would never look at a "bag 'o salad" in the same way again.

On Christmas eve, Karina opened one of those pre-sorted, pre-washed, "ready-to-eat" bags of salad greens and found a large insect in the mix. She didn't freak out, but did take the time to enclose it in a plastic bag together with a carefully-composed letter and mail it to the manufacturer. I don't know what their response will be; probably a polite letter with a disclaimer that in spite of their rigorous controls the consumer should be aware that these things cannot be totally avoided. We'll see. Anyway....

I guess this shows that things aren't always what they seem to be, and we can't give up our responsibility to "sort things through" in life. This goes for things "packaged and delivered":
on television,
on the internet,
from your neighbor,
from the pulpit.....


  • At 12/29/2005 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great post.....We have gotten so lazy that we don't even want to cut up salad, so why would we want to think for ourselves what we hear in the pulpit/tv/internet? I am bug hunting right now. Our former pastor told us to be so familiar with the truth of God's word that we could identify lies. I fall short of that frequently sad to say. That is why one of my new adventures for 2006 is to pray/read every day. :o)

  • At 12/30/2005 8:56 AM, Blogger Jim said…

    Thanks for all the family pictures this Christmas. You have a nice looking family.
    Thanks too for this little 'lesson of life.' The hard part is sorting things through. There must be good how-to-books for that?

  • At 12/30/2005 3:25 PM, Blogger Kc said…

    Your wisdom is leaking out all over this blog! ;-)

    I dare say our willingness to avoid responsibility is rivaled only by our constant desire to find the easy way to do things.

    Great post. (I enjoyed the family photo's too)

  • At 12/30/2005 6:42 PM, Blogger Seeker said…

    kc, you hit the nail on the head. Seems like shunning responsibility and laziness go hand-in-hand.
    jim, yes, it's hard but God's given us the greatest how-to BOOK in the world. It's up to us to do the digging.
    auntie j, your digging WILL be an adventure. You can count on it!


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