Friday on Navy Pier the light of eternity. "Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." Wilson Mizner
Last night Daniel called and put Josiah on the phone.
D - “Come and say hi to Vovó, Josiah.”
J - “Vovó!”
V - “Hi, Jo-Jo! What are you doing?”
J - “Vovó! Shhhs, shhhs! Doh, doh! ‘Side, 'side! Vovó!” (pointing wildly)
Translation: Get my shoes! Open the door! Let’s go outside, and straight to Gramma’s house!
D – “But Jo-Jo, we can’t go right now. It’s night-night time.”
J – “Waaaaahhhhhhh! Vovó!!”
Just about broke my heart.
I've always thought Good Night Moon is a bit strange, but it’s probably a better bedtime routine…..