The First Hundred the light of eternity. "Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." Wilson Mizner

Friday, June 15, 2007

Me, Too

Kate, being serious...
Madison, too.
Kate, enjoying her bath.
Madison, too.

Luke, eating his first Freeze 'n Squeeze.Reiley, too. (He wanted to know what happened to the stick on his popsicle.)

Reiley, trying on his new p.j.'s I made for him.
I haven't made Luke's, yet.


  • At 6/15/2007 4:23 PM, Blogger Ralph said…

    Those are some great pictures. It looks like there was a lot of laughter to go with them.

  • At 6/16/2007 8:59 AM, Blogger Jim said…

    Those P.J.s look great. The kids all look well scrubbed too. It keeps moms and g-moms busy bathing, it won't be long before some are taking their own showers?

    Do you make my size P.J.s? A few years ago I bought two new pair for a dollar each at WalMart when they were changing to fall. They weren't nearly as pretty as Reiley's, and are getting faded.

    Maybe I'll tell about my coffee cups soon. We have four styles we mostly use, no more than six of any one.

  • At 6/16/2007 9:29 AM, Blogger Jim said…

    This one you can erase if you wish.

    Are you sure those critters are woodchucks/ground hogs? I have a trap you could borrow to check them out. Be careful, they bite when they're scared and trapped.

    My solution would be to grow bigger beans and more so there would be plenty left over after they feed.

    Or grow taller bean plants that those cute little guys couldn't reach.

    Your article suggested keeping them around.
    First, they are useful animals, and
    second, it is some of nature you can have close by.

    This last part or your article defends them:

    Woodchucks do compete on a small scale with farmers’ cattle for food and occasionally get into people’s vegetable gardens [emphasis is mine]. But the view that woodchucks are therefore pests, to be exterminated where possible, is nearly always a short-sighted [ditto] one which overlooks the benefits of having the animals about.

    To many hunters, particularly in eastern North America, woodchucks are valuable game animals. Some hunters simply waste the carcass of the animal they shoot, but a growing number are learning that fried, roasted, or stewed woodchuck can be tasty. Late summer and early fall are the common woodchuck hunting seasons. Sometimes woodchucks are trapped for their fur, but it is generally of low value. Many are killed on highways. Although not frequently tamed, the animals make affectionate pets.

    Finally, woodchucks are a link with the wild for people who spend more and more time in artificial surroundings. Even just catching a fleeting glimpse from a car of one of these dumpy mammals standing by its roadside burrow can be a much-needed reminder of how satisfying it is to have wild animals around.

    - - - - - -

    You know where I stand. I know you wouldn't KILL whatever was eating them. You would do the catch and release to a new home in the wilderness farther away.

  • At 6/18/2007 5:57 PM, Blogger Jamie Dawn said…

    Those pj's look snazzy!
    The grandkids are looking beautiful and happy!!


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