The First Hundred the light of eternity. "Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest." Wilson Mizner

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Body Language

Yesterday I attended a risk management seminar (sounds like fun, huh?) so the doctor I work for can qualify for a 1% discount on his malpractice insurance premium. One percent doesn't sound like much, until you find out how much doctors are paying for malpractice insurance..... but that's grist for another mill.
In talking about confidentiality issues, one of the speakers mentioned the different ways we communicate: spoken word, written word, electronic media, body language... it was comical the way he scanned a make-believe patient's chart, all the while giving facial and body cues showing how he really felt about the information it contained. He could have said anything, but we knew his real thoughts just by watching him.
Right now I'm thinking of at least 3 cliches that would fit here, as a life-application.
'Nuff said.


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